July 29, 2024

New For Sale / To Let Boards

Following on from Lisa’s skydive and working in conjunction with the BIG CAT SANCTUARY we are delighted to launch our new-look FOR SALE/TO LET Boards. This was the inspiration of Peter who created these designs in his head whilst travelling to the BIG CAT SANCTUARY where he works as a volunteer on a Thursday. He then was put in touch with the company MADE BY BISON who design and provide all the signage for the sanctuary. They devised and produced the final designs which far exceeded our expectations.

We hope everyone will love our boards as much as we do. Not only will they bring a smile to people who view them, but we will also be DONATING FUNDS to the Big Cat Sanctuary for every sale made.

If you wish to learn more about the charity please click onto www.thebigcatsanctuary.org

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