Modern living room with light blue sofa and pink cushions


Peter Sanders

Peter Sanders
A bit about me

Peter (Property Pete) is a founder and co-owner of the business. Having been in the property industry for over three decades likes to help people with any property issues they may have. He bought his first property over 30 years ago and then built up a large portfolio before then also setting up a residential property management company, with his wife Lisa, which they sold in 2022. So as a Landlord and previous property manager has a vast amount of experience to call upon.

Peter has been (happily) married to Lisa for over 20 years and they have a daughter Scarlett.

Last year Peter decided, in a bid to improve his fitness, to take part in a white collar boxing event. Lisa has encouraged him to continue this sport and also go back to playing rugby ( he is heavily insured though).  He also volunteers at The Big Cat Sanctuary on Thursdays within the Big Cat Team so working along side lions, tigers and jaguars ( also hence the insurance). His other interests are socialising and can often be found placing bids in auctions at charity dinners.